St. Therese of Lisieux once said, “The loveliest masterpiece of the heart of God is the heart of a mother.” These beautiful words ring true for so many. If one is privileged to have a wonderful mom, her love can help create a masterpiece out of someone’s life and a home. Mothers help mold us and establish who we are today. Their encouragement helps us accomplish our dreams and their care helps us heal from heartbreaks. Their love makes us whole again.

Just as an artist’s best tool isn’t a paintbrush or glue but it is their passion and love for their work, the same goes for mothers. It has the power to glue back together fragmented homes and preserve heavy hearts. I’ve seen this visually through my mom’s work. As an artist, she preserves artifacts that have become broken and distressed due to age and transforms them into art. These pieces that once graced historic churches throughout Italy became “beyond restoration” – seeing the wear and tear of life. But what was fragmented, she takes and makes it beautiful again – breathing life back into a piece.
You don’t have to be a daughter of an artist to understand that mothers are metaphorically like the restorers and artists of life, making our world beautiful once again. Let’s not forget to thank our mothers for everything they’ve done for us. They created us after all, their best work yet.